
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Halls of Tizun Thane

This is a scenario from the early days of White Dwarf . It delineates a very large mansion that has fallen on bad times due to the demise of its owner; various groups are trying to take over the place. It is located on an island in the caldera of a (presumably) extinct volcano. I have integrated it into the campaign as the demesne of a missing senator from the Consortium of Ilmar, or rather what's left of it after all of the recent shenanigans. The party journeys northwards to find out why Thane hasn't been seen for several months. Bomilcar is now rested and back to normal, and the following narrative mostly follows his viewpoint. My comments as umpire are interspersed where appropriate. Jorthan leads the group due to his social status in Ilmiora. Bomilcar's narrative The five of us ride northwards to the lands of the scholar Tizun Thane, who many think is probably a sorceror. He has not been seen since around the time the raiding party landed in the area north of Ilm...

Return to Ilmar

Destiny on her newly acquired demon horse, Lyshal. Figure by Ral Partha Europe, very recently painted. After disposing of Theleb K'aarna and Syphax, the characters regroup. This post is written impersonally for a change, and this time I'll intersperse umpire's comments when required. The day after the happenings at the henge sees some strange events taking place. First of all, the characters are awakened by a visit from Hamilcar the shaman, along with one of the women of the tribe (Sophonisba) and her seven year old daughter (Selene). Selene has been permanently blinded after the great outburst of force the previous night, however Hamilcar takes everyone back to the henge. Inside the circle, Selene's eyesight returns, but her irises are now silver. Not only can she see clearly in this location, she can glimpse the spirits and more. "For the first time in many generations we have now been blessed with the emergence of a seeress. I have been praying for guidan...

Running with Horses

Theleb K'aarna in better times. Figure by Otherworld Miniatures. Bomilcar is still suffering from his battered leg, so I am continuing to run Ehlessa. Jorthan also joins the group for the upcoming expedition to the Weeping Wastes. Ehlessa's narrative Having investigated the old Melnibonean tower, we return to the cove. On the way down Marion notices something rather peculiar, "Our new ship has changed colour!". She's right; the captured galley (bireme, actually) has gone from black to a beautiful shimmering sea grey, with dancing highlights of blue and silver. As we get closer, Sir Blanque notices that the ship seems to have named itself, with an inscription in Low Melnibonean running next to the binding rune: Straasha's Vengeance.  So it looks as though the Sea King approves of our actions against the Pan Tang captain; it is well known that he has no love of the dark island folk because of their alliance with Chaos. Pyaaray of the Deeps and Straa...

Web pages for Stormbringer

Found another website for Stormbringer    here . There's all sorts of useful stuff on there. Quick edit: I've also come across a discussion forum:

Tower Cove

I decided to transplant the Tower of Yrkath Florn in the rulebook to the Ilmioran shoreline. Hence the photograph, and the name of the cove... Ehlessa's narrative Everything returns to the mundanely normal after our strange experiences at the estate of Auquhol the sage, and we get on with our mission. Arriving at Tower Cove, we take note of the building the Pan Tang map obviously used to identify it, but our immediate concern is a sleek black galley bobbing in the light waters of the bay. This cove is especially well sheltered due to the headlands almost converging, leaving only a small gap which is probably shielded by mud flats, going by the reputation of these shores. It also explains why nobody else has found it; the place must be well nigh invisible from the sea. We start to discuss what to do, but any further conversation is forestalled by events on the ship. We are close enough to hear the shouts of the Pan Tang captain, who is easily identified by his huge size and ...

Through the Looking Glass

I hope the photo of the scenario plans is clear enough to help with the following description of events... Ehlessa's Narrative Destiny goes upstairs to retrieve her javelins from our baggage. When she comes back, she pokes one through the mirror - which, surprise surprise, turns out to have no glass. To be fair, Sir Blanque had already sussed this while Destiny was upstairs, but it's fun to watch. What is a bit more of a surprise is the attack of the two warrior statues to either side of the mirror. They are quite hard to despatch, but a really good javelin throw by Destiny mostly shatters the leg of one of them, and Marion does her slicey dicey dance. They go down under a flurry of blows from all four of us. We step through the mirror. And nothing happens, or at least not for a while. We find ourselves standing on a featureless plain that stretches as far as the eye can see in all directions. I shrug; it doesn't really seem to matter which way we go, and we can...