The Halls of Tizun Thane

This is a scenario from the early days of White Dwarf . It delineates a very large mansion that has fallen on bad times due to the demise of its owner; various groups are trying to take over the place. It is located on an island in the caldera of a (presumably) extinct volcano. I have integrated it into the campaign as the demesne of a missing senator from the Consortium of Ilmar, or rather what's left of it after all of the recent shenanigans. The party journeys northwards to find out why Thane hasn't been seen for several months. Bomilcar is now rested and back to normal, and the following narrative mostly follows his viewpoint. My comments as umpire are interspersed where appropriate. Jorthan leads the group due to his social status in Ilmiora. Bomilcar's narrative The five of us ride northwards to the lands of the scholar Tizun Thane, who many think is probably a sorceror. He has not been seen since around the time the raiding party landed in the area north of Ilm...