The Shudder Mountains

Recap on the party: Destiny: Melnibonean. Marion: sneaky person from Shazaar. Likes shadows. Sir Blanque: Lawful-ish noble with an affinity for water. Jorthan (NPC): Powerful noble merchant from Ilmiora. Patron of the party. Bomilcar (NPC): Weeping Waste nomad warrior. Jorthan's bodyguard. Bomilcar's narrative The white tendril that brushed against Sir Blanque as the demi-plane of Chaos disintegrated along with the chained coffin seems to have given him rough knowledge of what we need to do next. The Lawful champion Zugun has implanted Sir Blanque with a sense of direction that points to the Shudder Mountains to the west of Shazaar. Destiny is intrigued; as far as she knows, no Melnibonean has ever been there. She seems to have a taste for acquiring new knowledge. Zugun of Law, bound inside a Chaos casket We ride westwards, picking up information about the area as we go. It looks as though we are heading straight towards a village in the foothills called Bent Pi...