Feeling Blue

Jorthan's narrative The Lizardmen arrive in their newly reconquered fortress and their Shamen patch us up as best they can. Our new little blue friend from another world explains his situation. His kind (he calls himself a Silume) are drawn through the dimensions to meet their destined mate and he had arrived in the Young Kingdoms, the nearest plane to his ultimate destination - apparently when the urge strikes, the male develops a kind of homing sense. Anyway, he was about to jump into the next and final plane when he was captured by a minor Pan Tang priest and sorcerer. Oremergrinroul (that's our new friend's name) reckoned the blackbeards would probably experiment upon him to try to discover the secret of his ability to travel between the planes. No doubt there would be extra spice added to this endeavour because the Silume are sacred to Lady Eequor of Chaos, sworn enemy of Pan Tang. He managed to escape by stealing a boat and heading off in this direction, and was the...