The characters so far
We have now played 25 sessions, and the three main player-characters are coming along nicely. The world of the Young Kingdoms can be a very dangerous place, and the Stormbringer combat system is potentially lethal, so I have always run two accompanying characters to help take the pressure. Others are now dotting in and out of the game, as some of the players' friends occasionally join in, but the focus remains on the three originals. I thought it's about time I introduced them properly here on the blog thing, so here are some stats. They are rendered for D20, because it's easier for the players than percentiles. The characters started as members of the household of Haver Nikorn and stayed together as their fates have become ever more intertwined. Officially, they work for Nikorn's son Jorthan, who has taken over the family's business empire due to the death of his father at the hands of the Pan Tang sorcerer Theleb K'aarna. Sir Blanque STR 14 CON 13 SI...