
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Mysterious Tower

This is the title of a scenario by Goodman Games: I got it from RPGNow in a sale of downloads, and used it last week for the strange tower sitting on a potential trade route between the Young Kingdoms and the east, via the Weeping Wastes. Session narrative The characters search the sarcophagus from which the second part of the Runestaff appeared, and find a previously concealed compartment. Inside is a selection of valuable gemstones and a magic ring. It bears a runic inscription composed of three elements: the runes for food, drink and permanence. Basically, the person wearing this doesn't need to eat or drink, although they can if they like. Useful in a desert environment. Sir Blanque gets this one. They also 'milk' the paralysing venom from their three docile crawling creatures into some glass vials. Yeuchh. The characters find that the rest of the tomb complex is deserted; any survivors from the bandit gang have fled via a secret passageway leading out from t...

Into the Weeping Wastes

Our weekly games group has settled down into a reasonably standard pattern with four main characters: Destiny the Melnibonean; Sir Blanque the nobleman, originally from Filkhar; Marion Shadowborn, a rogue who started life in Aflitain; and Bomilcar, the Weeping Waste warrior. I originally rolled up Bomilcar as an extra because we only started with three players; it seemed like a good way to spread potential damage. He is now being played regularly by someone else, so I can relax and just run things. There are other players who drop in and out every so often, so their characters are usually on hand as well. Preparations are completed for the great trek eastwards, which has a dual purpose: one is to set up a viable and reasonably efficient trade route; the other is for Marion to piece together the bits of a shattered magical staff she has found, which for some inexplicable reason various people they meet keep calling 'The Runestaff'. Anyway, the characters all load up with extra...

Hessaret's Treasure

Hessaret's Treasure is a scenario for Runequest  which you can find here . It's also on the usual download sites such as RPGNow or DrivethruRPG. I find scenarios like this quite useful because they are intended for a percentile dice system, although I have to say that anything for Glorantha usually takes a bit of work to translate. This one, however, is set in a different fantasy world, so is easier to use for something like Stormbringer . The number of players in our little group fluctuates depending on who can make it, but the core remains the three run by my kids (Destiny, Marion and Sir Blanque). These are also strong enough now that I don't need to accompany them with a major NPC. Bomilcar is now being run by somebody else, but he wasn't there this time. So from now on, I'll narrate things relatively impersonally, I think... The Story Continues There is quite a bit of downtime as Jorthan steps into his final role as a representative of the Consortium of Il...