Major Catch-up
The start of semester this year has been the worst I've ever experienced, so the best I can do most evenings after getting back from work is either collapse in a heap or join the kids in binge-watching Dr Who. I can't even be bothered painting. However, the campaign has been continuing; I just haven't had the energy or time to update the blog. This post brings everything up to date. Anakheera and the Gardens of Ynn After returning to Anakheera, Destiny tells the others that she really wants to take time out to study, now that she feels powerful enough to finish Theleb K'aarna's grimoire. The problem, however, is that it still remains in the group's base at Gorjhan. She tries to summon a one-off teleport demon for a quick round trip to fetch the grimoire, but fails spectacularly. Perhaps their current location far to the east of the Young Kingdoms is having an effect on the standard magical formulae. She then asks the others to accompany her to the entry are...