Scourge of the Slave Lords IV: The Temple at Zoshai

I placed the slave lords' Highport Temple outside Zoshai, a major port in the southern half of Changshai in the realms eastwards of the Young Kingdoms. It is badly damaged, but still functionally intact, as the volume of traffic going there and back from the slave galleys of Zoshai amply demonstrates. Campaign Narrative Sir Blanque, Destiny and Marion decide to investigate the temple complex outside the town, which they know hosts a base and staging post of sorts for the slave trade. This will be a dawn raid, taking place immediately after they leave the slave galley that raided the Aurea estate. They don't want to give the Dharzi captain time to think more on their visit in case he puts two and two together, so they decide to strike at once. They take a roundabout route, skirting the forests surrounding the cleared ground at the temple proper until they reach the rear of the place - proper scouting is always a good idea. This is how it looks to them from a wooded hill at ...