Desert of Desolation II
The characters: Sir Blanque - swordsman and handsome, dashing noble half mer-person Marion - stabby stabby dagger specialist; Nihrain who currently carries the Runestaff Destiny - Menastrai sorceress covertly raised on Melnibone Bomilcar - Weeping Waste nomad from a chieftain's family It's difficult to tell how these would compare to xyzd&d levels, but they are all extremely good. The only one who isn't of Master ability in his main melee weapon is Bomilcar, and even that's not by much. The group openly approaches the ancient, but still reasonably intact, temple that stands at the foot of the enormous pyramid structure in front of them. That thing must be at least 350' high. Intriguingly, there is an exceptionally regular stone-lined canal leading to an enormous bowl-shaped depression in front of the sweeping staircases that lead up to the fore-temple itself. This bowl must the origin of the waters that originally composed what is now called the Ri...