Cleaning up and logistics
Our most recent session wasn't a long one, at least in terms of direct scenario participation. The players finished their current adventure, and then we went into logistics mode. I've therefore written this one in the third person... After the townspeople of Gorjhan realise that the Chaos cultists have fled, they burst into spontaneous celebration and mob the characters (Jorthan, Destiny, Bomilcar, Sir Blanque and Marion). On the spot, they proclaim Jorthan as senator for the town, and also vote the now desecrated Temple of Mardek as his official residence. The party lasts all night. The next day, the three characters left behind in Ilmar ride into town (Alexia, Ehlessa and Nadjana); Dyvim Slorm had contacted them separately and advised them to go and help their friends. The group has a serious strategy discussion, because Gorjhan is going to be their initial staging post for the proposed trade route to the Unknown East. When talk turns to the status of Jorthan's new re...