Cleaning up and logistics

Our most recent session wasn't a long one, at least in terms of direct scenario participation. The players finished their current adventure, and then we went into logistics mode. I've therefore written this one in the third person...

After the townspeople of Gorjhan realise that the Chaos cultists have fled, they burst into spontaneous celebration and mob the characters (Jorthan, Destiny, Bomilcar, Sir Blanque and Marion). On the spot, they proclaim Jorthan as senator for the town, and also vote the now desecrated Temple of Mardek as his official residence. The party lasts all night.

The next day, the three characters left behind in Ilmar ride into town (Alexia, Ehlessa and Nadjana); Dyvim Slorm had contacted them separately and advised them to go and help their friends. The group has a serious strategy discussion, because Gorjhan is going to be their initial staging post for the proposed trade route to the Unknown East. When talk turns to the status of Jorthan's new residence, Sir Blanque says, "This is great. We effectively own a town! Thinking about it, if we clean up the underground chamber, it would make a really good bank vault." Jorthan replies that this is an excellent idea, and decides that the initial investment will be made by himself from the funds he has released by selling his estate in northern Ilmiora.

The party still have to follow up on their contact Chunloom, now sadly deceased. They do, though, have a lead in the location of Ginjada Oasis, which is controlled by Akrat Bey, the charismatic bandit leader known as the 'Brass Dog". Destiny, Sir Blanque, Marion, Bomilcar and Alexia go off to investigate, while the others stay behind to clean up the mess in the vault.

On arriving at Ginjada, the characters spot three cultists in red staked out in the sand, dying of thirst. Bomilcar is pleased - that's how his people deal with Chaotics alright. After some caution, they introduce themselves to the Brass Dog and his men; they are understandably nervous at having to deal with a Melnibonean and an Eshmirian woman, both of whom seem to be sorcerors, although they are to some extent reassured by the presence of Bomilcar. Akrat Bey says that he is now down to only eight men; interrogation of the cultists revealed that they had directions to a cave in some low hills not far away. The party realises Chunloom must have told them its whereabouts before they killed him. Akrat Bey sent three men to investigate, but they haven't returned. He is more than happy for his visitors to go instead.

Off they trot, and enter a passageway leading to a small cavern. Inside is a demon of protection, who introduces herself as Tyktyva; she is guarding Chunloom's box and has also killed the three desert raiders. Sir Blanque shows her the two halves of the medallion. One piece was initially provided by Dyvim Slorm back in Ilmar, and they found the other in the treasury at the temple in Gorjhan. Tyktyva hands over the box and vanishes.

The characters are naturally suspicious and nervous, but there are no signs of any traps. Inside they find one of the fabled Golden Wheels of Melnibone, a large eight-sided coin carved from solid gold. Destiny explains that every emperor has one made to commemorate their reign, and this one belongs to Matik, the famous emperor who won the Dharzi War. It's worth at least a million Large Bronzes. Marion conceals it amongst the saddle bags on Destiny's demon horse.

On returning to Ginjada, the characters tell Akrat Bey most of what happened, but don't mention the Golden Wheel. They are understandably worried about carrying this sort of artefact around with them. They quickly take their leave and return to Gorjhan, and then proceed as fast as they can back to Ilmar.

Once there, they hand over the Wheel of Matik and the Dharzi book from Troos to Dyvim Slorm. He explains that the Dharzi journal contains a complex summoning ritual that allows one to converse with the spirits if one has an appropriate item with which to recall them. Elric wants to have a chat with his predecessor Matik about a plan he has in the long term for dealing with Pan Tang. Destiny suspects some of it may involve Dharzi magic.

The game stops here as everyone gets down to working out what they want to plan for the upcoming expedition to the Far East. Various studies are studied and skills practised, and the longer term character sheets are replaced with fresh ones - they're getting a bit ratty. Cate still needs to sort out the party funds from everything they have accumulated over the course of their adventures so far, but this won't take too long. The idea seems to be that they will each take some high value times with them - silver or golden coins, gems, jewellery, that sort of thing. Easily portable wealth like this will stand them in good stead in the East. They can all invest anything else in the new bank, and Jorthan will pay their salaries into their accounts while they are away.

However, he won't be going. After working out some of the logistics, I call the players together again. A few weeks before Duke Avan Astran is due to arrive to join up with them for the trip, there is a powerful Chaos warp storm during the night. The next morning, they find a basket outside the door containing a beautiful baby girl about six months old. She is Jorthan's daughter by Merut of Chaos, and he will have to take care of her as well as the bank. So that's what he was doing while the others investigated an eight-sided hall back in Shazaar...!


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