Desert of Desolation IX

Sir Blanque - swordsman and handsome, dashing noble half mer-person Marion - stabby stabby dagger specialist; Nihrain who currently carries the Runestaff Destiny - Menastrai sorceress covertly raised on Melnibone Bomilcar - Weeping Waste nomad from a chieftain's family Campaign Narrative Having just come from a rather pleasant feast with the Sheikh who controls the White Palm Oasis, and also having found out various bits and pieces of useful information/possible subterfuge, the four characters decide the late evening is a good time to go for a wander around the oasis. They want to take advantage of their favour with the Sheikh to have a good look around the place; besides, they spotted quite a few interesting landmarks as they flew into the oasis in the first place. The players are encamped towards the top left of the map as you look at it, almost due north of area 2, which is the main camp of their desert tribe friends. They decide to move in a clockwise direction to check ...