The Dam in the Hills

Sir Blanque - swordsman and handsome, dashing noble half mer-person Marion - stabby stabby dagger specialist; Nihrain who currently carries the Runestaff Destiny - Menastrai sorceress covertly raised on Melnibone Bomilcar - Weeping Waste nomad from a chieftain's family Campaign Diary ... Or, rather, a ruined dam. As the characters continue towards the hills to the north of the lakes area of Menastree, they continue to see evidence of the devastation wrought by the flood waters. Mostly, the signs are petering out, but there is one main river valley running through the hills that seems to have channeled the waters into a forceful flow northwards, overbearing the natural current of the river itself. The remaining force of the wave must have hit what was previously a dam, but since the flood came from the wrong direction, the combination of the original lake behind the dam and the momentum hitting it from the other side has obviously caused the dam to burst. From De...