My gaming life has gone in waves. Before I moved to Cheltenham, I was mostly running a very long term ancients figure wargaming campaign. However, two years later I still have to find a group that suits me, both in terms of time and location. I have visited a couple of clubs, but neither worked for me. A long time ago, I ran a very successful series in the world of Moorcock's Elric, using a whole range of printed scenarios and campaigns - basically, whatever was available for any system. I still have fond memories of those games, and I hung onto my library of rulebooks and supplements with the vague thought that they might one day come in useful again. My kids have never really been interested in gaming, apart from computer and video games, but I suppose I should count myself lucky, since none of them is hooked on violent games. Now, though, they want to try proper role-playing, so I have dug out my old fantasy RPG materials. The campaign starts in Ilmiora, with a series of e...