Hex map of Ilmiora
I wanted a good campaign map, so I purchased Hexographer. It allows one to produce maps in the style of the old Greyhawk campaign supplement, with a few extra tweaks. I made it by cropping the region from the standard Young Kingdoms map using Paint, and then I imported the resulting image as an underlay for Hexographer. It was pretty fuzzy to say the least, but it meant I could effectively place the terrain over the top, kind of like the virtual equivalent of tracing over a map using acetates, which is what I used to do back in the days of yore. I hope you can see the main features when you click on it directly: the Sighing Desert is at the northern end of the map, as are the rolling Northern Ilmioran hills. There is a substantial mountain chain to the northeast, and the Weeping Waste to the east. The grim Forest of Troos is right in the centre, with the ancient site of Org somewhere in there. I've added the main trade route, as well as locations that have already appeared in the campaign: the Nikorn estate and dacha plus the location of Tower Cove and Nikorn's newly established naval base. The dangerous shoals and reefs that stretch along the coast between Bakshaan and Ilmar have been placed as well. At the extreme south you can just about make out the city of Jadmar in the rather unpleasant Lawful nation of Vilmir. The map is something like 75 hexes across and 80 deep, for an area of 750 by 800 miles. Ilmiora is quite a large region, although Troos takes up a large proportion of the centre.
I left the grid off this image because it makes it easier to see, but I could easily put it back on again as an overlay. I'll add to it as the campaign develops, with various interesting bits going on there as and when the players encounter them. The scale is ten miles to the hex, the idea being that the average person could hike for one hex per day relatively easily, depending on the terrain of course. I'm thinking that an adventuring group would travel at the following daily rates:
- Marching by foot: a number of miles equal to the lowest CON in the group.
- Riding on warhorses: the above times 1.5.
- Standard riding horses: base x 2.
- Steppe ponies: base value times 3.
So for example, if a group whose lowest character was CON 13 and they were all mounted on steppe ponies, they could ride a respectable 39 miles in a day. I'd reduce the base CON by one for each day of travel, because even steppe nomads can't quite ride for ever. This is of course assuming that the mounts are strong enough to take the riders in the first instance; Stormbringer has separate rules for that. It's sort of common sense, really.
This map really didn't take long to create, just a couple of hours. I hope somebody finds some of this stuff useful!
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