Some Julie Guthrie figures, plus a few others.
I hit a nice patch on the refurbishment of my old fantasy figures, this time by delving into some of the groups I based as command stands for Greyhawk Wars using Tactica a very long time ago. Many of them were by the talented Julie Guthrie:
Her figures were rather delicate but nicely sculpted, and often slightly quirky (e.g. left-handed, like the halberdier in the photo). As part of the re-touch, I experimented a little with a small box of fluorescent paints I bought to help with things like lanterns and fires. The white that came in the set is actually a very light silver, perfect for highlighting armour and weapons; I hope it brings out the details in these. I used the fluorescent red on the Cleric figure at the far left; it's not so bright, but it did make his robes quite vivid, so I am quite pleased with these paints.
The second batch is a bit of a mix. The leftmost two as you look at it are old Citadel figures from just when the original Warhammer RPG was released. You can see one of their transfers on the paladin, still looking fresh. Those transfers were really nice, but sadly long out of production. The middle Elf archer in full armour is possibly another Julie Guthrie, or perhaps Ral Partha - the other archer is definitely Ral Partha. The figure at the far right of the picture is Galadriel by Mithril Miniatures. I tried the fluoresecent white to highlight her dress to make it seem like satin or something, and that is when I discovered that the white in the set would make an excellent highlight for metallics.
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