Building in the past

 The characters are taught how to use Destiny's entropy Configuration b Zotaquaan of the Balance; it turns out that Sir Blanque has a particular affinity with the machinery.

The group finds themselves standing in what they already know will become the site of the giant pyramid they will enter in 1,000 years' time as they begin their epic quest to find Zotaquaan in his guise as The Martek. Ouzzlingly, though there is no sign of the giant bowl that will collect the overspill from the elemental plane of water to create the river that will flow through the mountain range in to Menastree proper. The mountains are there, but nothing else, certainly nothing like the artificially created canal tunnel they remember from the future.

While Zotaquaan gets himself ready to start his monumental building tasks, the characters all settle down for the night. Each of them has the same dream: a white crow flies towards a particular point n the cliff face and vanishes into it. When they wake up, they each recount the dream and, realizing they have all seen the same thing, they make their way to the point where the strange creature flew. Surely enough, it turns out that there is a doorway into the mountain range, hidden by the illusion of a cliff face.

Inside they meet an enormous earth creature that weeps gems from its empty eye-sockets. The group's draconian friend from another world goes up and pats the enormous creature; a strange shock runs through his body as he bonds with it. Destiny feeds it her black egg artifact, which it swallows whole in one gulp, and this allows the draconian to control the beast. Bomilcar theorizes that the beast is sacred to Grome the Earth Lord, and that the egg is destined to appear in the Orgjenn encampment where the group found/will find it. The beast turns and simply tunnels in a straight line, starting to head right through the mountain range at considerable speed, carving out a perfect tunnel as it goes. "Now we know how that canal gets here," says Marion. This is the last time they see their strange draconic companion.

The characters then explore the rest of what turns out to be a strange underground (under mountain?) complex, owned by a Necromancer type who was trying to figure out for himself how to control the Earth creature, which he terms a 'basilisk' of uncommon size. He was going to use it to conquer the region in the time-honored fashion of megalomaniac sorcerers everywhere, so the party destroys him.

Scenario from DrivethruRPG.


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